Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Visiting the Bottom, The Climb Begins Again...

 Everything is on hold here. Zahir is allowing me to post this.

 My world is getting smaller for a while. I made a bad choice. I was lucky, the dog was able to break a window to get help. He was injured in the process but will heal. Mama and security found me in time.

 I am not being left alone. I am having weekly sessions with the psychiatrist again. Zahir will be taking me to work with him, NOT as his intern, as my minder. I am to sit at my little desk in his office and work on my school projects. He hasn't said it, but I know he is angry with me. Worse than that I disappointed him and those who love me.

 Chris (my PTSD support partner) is pissed that I didn't call him. I don't know how to describe a depression spiral. I didn't plan what I did, I just acted. One minute I was cutting vegetables, I don't even remember the act of hurting myself.

 Writing and Blogging are on hold. I am sorry to my fans but I screwed up big. For now I have to focus on healing, the stitches will be out in a week or so. The wounds in my head will take longer.

 This will be my last post for a while, I am so sorry for disappointing everyone.

 Nadir (AKA Chase)


  1. I'm so sorry to read this! Love for you and everyone around you! ♥♥ Take your time recovering.

  2. I’m so sorry to see this. Don’t worry about disappointing readers. Your well being is most important. I feel for you both and wish you peace while you recover and going forward.
