Thursday, August 01, 2019

Surprise... Dreams Happen!

 I was surprised to get called into the office yesterday. 

 Zahir came home at dinner and said the boss wanted to speak to me. As you may recall my internship is on hold pending my degree completion. When we came in we were ushered up to the owner's office. An Azeris gentleman from Iran was introduced. 

 As long-time readers know I went to Iran a couple years ago (shortly after I arrived in Jordan). Z's company went to help after an earthquake damaged a Western province of Iran. 

 I was inspired by the devastation. For a class project I came forward with an idea for making earthquake and other disaster (fire, wind and such) survivable buildings. 

 The gentleman I was introduced to has purchased one of those designs, it's going to be built. Turned out on Z's last trip he showed one of the engineers he was working some of my designs for safer sustainable homes. That man introduced it to his brother, our firms new client. 

 Because I am not a certified engineer yet, I won't get the credit but I am happy to have a dream become "set in stone." I know I will never be able to see the finished work with my own eyes but I pray for the day things allow me to do so.

Sending Z off with a smile and HUGE breakfast. Going to the spa tomorrow. He said I earned a "pamper the boy" weekend.


  1. That’s amazing! Well done, Chase. I’m sure there will be many more buildings. Also have fun at the spa!

    1. Zahir was thrilled too. The stinker knew about it last week and held off telling me to surprise me when the client came to town.

      Last weekend was his 31st birthday. He told me THIS was the best gift to HIM. He is the "project" engineer, and new member of the team will oversee its completion with the builder in Iran.

  2. That is so exciting! You will have something you can always look at and say, "I made that happen." You're a super achiever, bro. So sweet!

    1. Life has taught me the most painful lessons of all:
      1) Life can be short... I died twice already.
      2) Life is seldom fair

      It is important to do what we can with those gifts it bestows. With the cool reception my design originally received I did not see THIS coming.
