Thursday, September 12, 2019

Okay I'm Easily Confused...

 The boss and Zahir spent all day Tuesday discussing a long calendar of events that Z would have to be present for. Included in that list was three weeks in December for our wedding and honeymoon. It seems the boss is trying to step back away from the day-to-day operations and he's looking at Zahir and the other parters to step into his sizable shoes. I was grateful for the break when the boss's tea boy took me to a session with my therapist.

 At home I have a flurry of "tutors" from around the family. Every single day of the week I will be meeting with either one of his brothers or one of his sisters in law. They are assisting me with the completion of my college education. I don't need help with my labs, but apparently speed is now of the essence.  

 My final course is supposed to close out on Wednesday the 23rd of October. Zahir is trying to get me to finish by the 21st. I don't know why or what the hurry is about. He says we have a long company business trip in San Paulo and Rio de Janeiro beginning that week and he wants me finished with school before we depart. "If possible I want to finish our business before the 26th. There is something special I wish to show you."  I have a feeling this may be one of those carrot or the stick moments.

 I also found out three of his older brother's will be accompanying us to Brazil. As recent events have proven, I am not the most brilliant person in the world but I think something else is going on.
 Yesterday he spent most of the morning at the airport with "Muffin" (Muflih) teaching him in the other pilots the upgraded flight systems on the G550. Zahir's jet is both in and out of the company fleet. Z pays for parts but the routine maintenance and crew training is handled by the company.
 For long private flights (like our wedding and honeymoon) he can reimburse the company for the use of additional pilots and crew as needed. I have to admit that is a killer perk. Our boss must have been really concerned about Z leaving to start his own business. I am also starting to understand how long he has been grooming Z. His presence in Miami on the agricultural side of the parent company is starting to make sense.
 During their training I discovered why you have to put your cellular devices into airplane mode. When a cell phone pulses on an airplane, attempting to reach a cell tower, it makes a god-awful noise over the aircraft's radio systems. It is THE single fastest way to annoy the crap out of your pilot. After chastising me (then finding out that my devices were in airplane mode) Muffin checked his own cell phone... oops.

 More on communications... Thank God the Wi-Fi on the jet rocks. Z was a little embarrassed when he found out I was actually trying to take one of my finals while he was doing systems and "taxi" training with the pilots. Some of my humanities do not require the use of a proctor for on-line tests. 

 In-spite of the noise, I only missed ONE question. THE TEST WAS WRONG!!! I had just composed my challenge of the question when I heard a chuckle, followed by a nice shoulder and neck rub. Zahir said "Let it go baby, it is a very good score."

 Z told me if he had known I was taking a final, he would have sent me to the university with Baba to take the final in peace. He still doesn't understand, as an introvert I can be alone even in a crowded room, as long as people leave me be.
 We have another full day today. we have our couples session with Doc. I have a follow up for my arm with the surgeon too. Side note on therapy; Kaeleb got his staples out, and his hair is filling in again. Although anytime I go near the knife block in the kitchen now he whines. I feel stupid and guilty. I hurt a lot of people.

 Christopher (I think I prefer using Chase)

Zahir likes walking into the room
to find the three fur babies snuggling on me.
He knows I am safe.

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