Monday, September 23, 2019

New Update in Journal Therapy

 I have referred to the "incident" in a few posts. Looks like I didn't spell it out well enough. Here goes, I let life overtake logic. It only took a fraction of a second to make a near fatal mistake. I almost chose a permanent state of being to a temporary issue. For that dear readers I am sorry.

 Here is a link to my most recent Journal Therapy Update. I have made the same error twice before. This is not a mistake I plan to repeat again. 

 Zahir and the family have been as clingy as warm Saran-wrap. I think it is going to take a long time to regain their full trust again. The important thing is that I AM still here to try.



  1. Just got in from a late meeting with a client, Z let me post... Night all.

    1. I hope things are going better. I am sorry for whatever happened that led you to that point. That truly sucks and you don't deserve that. Hopefully you're getting enough support to make it to the better place.
