Sunday, June 23, 2019

I Lost The Battle of the Sleeping Pill...

After not sleeping last night again. Zahir brought me a glass of water and one of those little white pills that I dread.  Then to make sure I did not cheat, he gave me a snack to eat. 

He's catching on.

It is 10:49 good night all.



  1. Zahir, thank you for knocking the kid out...

    Chase, even chemically induced sleep is better than a potential psychotic break from sleep deprivation. Trust me, been there. The pill is a tool. Trust your "Shrinky Dink" to make sure it doesn't become a crutch.

    Sweet dreams Chase.

    -A fellow survivor.

    1. I understand. I just HATE being locked into sleep. The dreams get "unsettling." Last night was a good example. I am meeting a lot of "fellow survivors." I hate to say it but the deaf/mute community are looked at as "easy" targets. I also understand this isn't something one just get over.

      Doesn't mean I have to like it.


  2. After fifteen hours of forced sleep, I am awake. I woke up an hour ago. Mama was watching over me, "You drool as you sleep..." She pointed at the malinois curled and leaning against my legs, " that filthy beast."

    When I replied, "It's ok, your son is waterproof..." she laughed. The I realized what I said and damn near blushed to death.

  3. Not sleeping sucks!! My husband keeps me on a regular schedule. If I am up past ten then he knows something is wrong. Usually we are in bed by then and he is on his laptop or phone with me curled into his side. But I always wake up before him. I am a morning person.
