Saturday, September 15, 2018

Protect The Baby...

  Wednesday started so well. I started the day waking up from a wonderful dream in the arms of a wonderful man. By the time Wednesday ended myself and the family were in full "protect the baby" crisis mode. All five of the brothers, the family's attorney and several members of the government gathered.

  I seriously do start the day trying to look forward. If you're constantly looking backwards over your shoulder, you miss out on the opportunities that present themselves. You're also not looking at where you're going, you're gonna find yourself stumbling and falling.

  The day started off waking from a magnificent dream. It was another merman dream... I was a merman and was caught in a fisherman's net. The net had tiny barbs that dug into my flesh. As he began hauling me to shore I began screaming in distress trying to flee but the more I fought the more entangled I became. Soon with the combination of fatigue and blood loss I passed out.  

I awoke in the dream the fisherman was carrying me to market when I heard a man condemn him for what he had done. A fight ensued and my defender hit the fisherman so hard he died. He carried me to his home on the sea putting me into his sheltered lagoon to heal...

  The dream was so real I could taste the sea water... I woke during a passionate interlude to the very strong, sweaty, passionate Zahir. It turned out he thought I was awake the whole time. He spent the next hour apologizing. He thought my RLN issue was acting up. I get a little more "amorous" when I loose my voice. I think it is a control thing.

  Zahir intently listened to my merman dreams smiling the whole time (there may have been a little drool on his part). He used some psychobabble of me being a fish removed from its sea. I told him sometimes a dream is just a dream.

  I received the documents from dad's family. They sent a "settlement" check to sweeten the deal...  Chase's life rule #45: Politics and people in politics suck.

  I composed a cover letter and explained why I wouldn't accept their money. With a stroke of a pen that chapter of my life was over. Baba told me they were not worthy to call me theirs. It wasn't like they were in my life in the first place.

  After dinner we received a visitor. My rapist has filed to appeal his sentences. His legal team is insisting I be present for deposition claiming his actions were not premeditated.

  Stacy once warned me I should sue him for damages in addition to the criminal charges. At the time, I thought that was being petty. Hindsight being what it is, I see if I had cleaned him out, he wouldn't have been able to hire his team of sharks.

  The visiting attorney made a veiled innuendo, that my current "living arrangement" could be made public during deposition. THAT is when Baba stepped in to protect HIS adopted son "Nadir" (my Bedouin name). At the same time Mama started calling her sons. The eldest son arrived in less than five minutes. Zahir and our boss arrived next. Z's other brothers were on scene within fifteen minutes of their Mama's call.

  I was amazed at the calm shown by Baba and his sons. I knew they were angry, but their faces did not betray what they were holding in. I was kept by Baba or his oldest son at all times.

  Our family's attorney explained to his opposite the local laws governing liable. Especially when looked at through the eyes of Bedouin tribal law. Such a release without physical proof would be a blood liable. 

  Baba swore to the attorney I would be present for ALL legal actions to keep this evil man far from the children he preys on. I see a tremendous amount of expensive airfare in my future.

  I do feel sorry that he was injured/attacked in prison, but I am not the reason he is there. His choices/actions put him in the people zoo. Attacking me again was a huge tactical error.

  I am no longer sad. What I am now is angry, very angry. I will NOT live in fear of this asshole any more! Now we see what can be done about it.

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