Wednesday, September 05, 2018

The New Wednesday...

  Wednesday started off normally, had my meeting with the Shrinky Dink. Something new there, he wants to see me once a month. Unless I have an event.
  After dinner I was enjoying coffee as Hazeem's deaf mute support group gathered. I found out he lost his hearing as a teen. I was "listening" via Hazeem to people discussing the concept of "confederation" with the Palestinians. It is quite clear that Jared Kushner and our President, do not understand the region. Jordanians want an independent Palestine. Not a hybrid government of the two. The concept is as ridiculous as asking Washington DC to share power with Ottawa, Mexico City and jointly govern North America as one nation. The "well you're in the same region" logic does not work.

  For the most part the group was friendly and polite. I had to explain the concept of partially mute. One young man stated either I was or I was not mute. He accused me of complaining about having an occasional inconvenience. Hazeem pointed out the guy's partial hearing loss was no different than my weak voice.

  This is part of the reason why I do not like being part of support groups. Some people just suck. I had a few people who were going to the States for University ask if they could practice their American sign. I guess it was better than being ignored.

  Baba could tell I was not in a good mood after the "support" session. I painted it as me just not fitting in. I didn't want his friend to be shamed. There was just too much culture to overcome. Hazeem suggested I try again.

On the way back to the compound he took me to Umayyad Palace. "This place has greeted visitors from around the then known world since the 8th century little one. Not all of those greetings went well. Give things time."

Then he took me to a museum located on the hill and showed me some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, I thought Israel had them all. "Just like in your country some of my people have closed minds. Most don't even know these treasures are here. Keep your mind open and your heart gentle."

 On balance a good day...

It's 1:30 in the morning I should get some sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Dead Sea Scrolls - very nice. For me, antiquities bring to mind the interconnectedness of all human beings, throughout time. We are more than the random chance of birthplace and date on a calendar. Just think, something you write today might be encased in a museum thousands of years from now.
