Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Was Contacted By A Hero Of Mine.

  Zahir got a little jealous. I received an email from another man. Not only that, one of my heroes. 

   He is a 911 dispatcher who worked with/for my first foster mom on the disaster response teams. He gave me the same warning that she did. That I need to withhold a little more information about my background.

  Like I said he's a dispatcher, the one who got me introduced to MaleSurvivor.Org. He is a fellow survivor, and has helped with my nightmares. He was the one who gave me the bad news that in all likelihood the dreams will not go away, but they will fade and become manageable.

  I told Zahir that he has nothing to fear.
  1.   "J" is old as Baba (sorry "J").
  2.   He is very married!!!
  3.   He is not my type,

  He had a photo of Natalie and I at the State Fair in Tampa. Nat was in town for a seminar and "J" invited us to the Fair. He introduced me to "fried butter" YUM! Then fried Snickers, fried pickles, corn dogs... Lets just say if it could be shoved on a skewer, battered and fried they had it at the fair.

  It was my first week in care and those dispatchers loved on (and spoiled) me.


  1. Dispatchers are great. I was one in another life, for about a year. We should probably all be more careful with our information, but you especially should be. You are still very young.

    Southern State Fairs, there is nothing quite like them, especially for the food. You can smell the grease before you can see the tents and rides. I love a good corn-dog. My favorites are at Disneyland, in the Trolley Car at the end of Main Street. A good carnival in Texas, Louisiana, or Florida will also usually have a good corn-dog. The kind with the jumbo sausage and the sweet breading. Scrumptious! Believe it or not, one of the best I ever tasted was at a Carnival in Clute, Texas called the Mosquito Festival. How I found myself attending that backwoods fete is a story unto itself, but I will not bore you.

    And let's not forget fried alligator on a stick at the Renaissance Fair!

    Speaking of food, I envy the local cuisine you get to eat. I will be back in Houston this weekend, and I plan to meet up with a Persian friend and go to one of the fine Persian restaurants. Phoenix has a few, but they cannot compare to the food in Houston. That goes for almost all food in Phoenix. Houston has them beat on every level and variety. But the weather and the terrain are much better in Phoenix, so I thank my stars that I get to travel regularly. We live in a wonderful time.

    1. He's more concerned because I'm easily identifiable. He's worried about my safety over here, so is Natalie.

      They don't understand I am protected and if things go sideways my family will get me out of harm's way.

      Now the trick with alligator is that it is too lean for the body to digest without adding fat. Normally there's a degree of pork added to it. I had to warn Zahir off the first time he wanted to try. The way my man reacted you would think I took a bullet for him.
