Sunday, October 28, 2018

I Confessed!!!

 I told Zahir I overheard his conversation with the housekeeper. I begged his forgiveness. He faked an angry look for a tenth of a second, then hugged me. He told me it was his fault for having the discussion in earshot of me. He would not tell me our full itinerary but I am coming home to vote early in Miami. He knew it was important to me to keep Senator Nelson in D.C. My absentee ballot didn't arrive in time. We will be leaving in a few hours.

 Baba and Mama had a family birthday party for me when we got home from work. I knew something was up, Z kept me at work all day. Baba will be watching over the renovation of our nest... God help those tradesmen.

 Zahir told me my Miami "TRIBE" had something planned. My foster parents Moe and Stacy say they have a "wicked awesome" birthday party planned for me. Zahir is TRYING to get me to settle down an take a nap, can you say not a chance!


  1. We landed at Heathrow. We have another 2 hours on our layover. London is one of those cities I really want to see. This trip however we will be here just long enough to change aircraft. Zahir says when we come home we'll be able to fly straight from Toronto all the way to Amman without refueling.

    I learned the difference between the "first class lounge" and British Airways the "Concorde Room." First class passengers have access to the Concorde Room which is their Premier Club. My guy has membership to all the premier places. I guess that's one of the perks for being the company guy. I have membership under him.

    It's weird being back in a country that is so open. We saw more than a couple of guys doing what I would only wish for Zahir to do to me publicly.

    More than a few guys were flirting rather openly with him. He of course was oblivious, dismissing it as just being friendly. However that changed when someone was leaning over my shoulder to look at one of the math proofs Baba has me reviewing. I saw the ring on his hand and knew he was married he was also older than Baba. Zahir saw him as a challenger and had to chase him off. Politely of course. I was able to find out he was a professor at MIT on holiday with his partner.

    We saw the two of them together at the bar as Zahir was removing me from the common area to put me back among "our people." This is going to be a long 2 hours.

  2. Should be landing back at my childhood home in about 2 hours. Lot of memories.

  3. I love the Airbus A380-800, and first class rocks! I do miss being able to cuddle with my teddy bear. The barrier between our seats makes that difficult.

  4. We have arrived. There is something definitely wrong when my Jordanian born boyfriend flies through customs (pun intended)... yet I (the native born local) get flagged for a full security review with TSA. Twenty-five minutes, it took twenty-five bloody minutes! The only good thing was that Zahir was able to collect all of our baggage and we are now able to go straight to the hotel. Officer Mike was at the airport to hug on me and welcome me home. I think he may have had a hand in getting me out of there. My throat hurts, the TSA witch kept insisting I speak up. Not gonna let it ruin my trip. Mike is driving us to our hotel on south beach.

    Z is sitting up in the front seat and I'm cuddling with my Pooh Bear in the back.

  5. No one likes the TSA buddy. Sorry about the arrival but welcome home.

  6. It was so sweet, officer Mike heard the rasp developing in my voice last night. He stopped on the way to South Beach for a green tea and lime shaved ice to sooth my throat.

    Zahir learned something new about his boy.
