Thursday, December 20, 2018

Oops Baby Did It Again.

 Zahir was greeted by the family and I at the airport. The family parted and he saw me standing on my crutches with my leg in a brace...

  Oh I guess I failed to mention my accident. (He reads my blog... couldn't share or he would get worried.)

 The day after Zahir departed, his oldest brother and I started wrestling. We were just screwing around, there was no chance of me ever being victorious. Unfortunately my feet slipped on the tile and I hit the ground hard. Then he slipped and fell on me. For the record Baba did not make any light frail children.

 During the fall and double impact, I wrenched my knee, severely sprained my ankle and when that happened, I did let out a very loud shriek. If you followed my blog long enough you know when I over-exert my voice, I lose it.  I'm not sure who chastised him worse that day his father, his mother, or his wife.  It was a very good thing I was in the big house while he was away. It could have been argued very successfully that the camera was disconnected as result of moving the old furniture into my room in their house. When we could only chat using my tablet, he was suspicious.

 The the upside about being crutch bound, I got to get a head on a lot of my school work. Not many distractions when all you can do is hobble around inside the same house.  Let's face it Baba's place isn't a small house. If they heard me moving around everyone would "check the baby." So I stayed in my nest as often as I possible so I wouldn't become a nuisance.

 I'm also starting to understand the financial side of our family a little better. I don't know which one of us is out of touch with reality, Zahir has spent the better part of three years telling me he came from an upper-middle-class family. Kind of funny listening to my tutors explaining what the middle class is in Jordan, we're not it. Baba's family is not even close!

 I've always been comfortable with store brands and off brands. Before Zahir, I didn't know/own a name brand, unless it came to me secondhand. A lot of people here are just absolutely crazy about anything with a brand name on it. You see all of the fashion houses in Europe doing brisk sales in Abdali.  If it was greener and you could block your ears, you might even believe you were in Miami.

 Zahir was not happy that we hid news of my injury from him. I told him I begged the family not to tell him. That his business in Iran was important to his and our firms future.  The boss is happy with the result of the trip, and his given Z a few days off to recover and tend to his boy. I got a get-well-soon gift basket of fruit from the engineering department.

 So happy he is home.


1 comment:

  1. I hope you are better soon! That sucks to be injured :( I'm sorry! I'm sure he is taking good care of you. If that was me, Ash would be giving me piggy back rides everywhere.
