Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Alone Again...

The company has Zahir going out of country again. Another month in Iran. Poop!

I will be moving into the big house.  I feel like such a twelve-year-old. I know that this is for my safety.
Z asked me to be quiet for a couple of days.

This Easter in Jordan was a little unusual. Our church congregation was protected by Muslim youth. The family originally didn't want me going to church, given what happened in Sri Lanka. Young men from the mosque the family attends, volunteered to protect my congregation as we worshiped our Savior's Resurrection. Baba informed me part of the reason so many volunteered was due to our church's work with the Syrian refugees.

It grew to a groundswell where many churches were protected, by young men from many mosques.  To the idiot Rush Limbaugh, not all Muslims are bad, just as not all Christians are bad.  There are extremists everywhere.  Stupidity has no borders; culturally, spiritually or nationally. I love these people, and they have been nothing but good to me.

I am just speechless over their generosity.



  1. Does he bring you gifts and treats from Iran? I would love to go there. My husband will describe something he misses like a product or place and I don't understand what he is getting at and then he just says "Oh don't worry. You will never go there, is another life. I am here now."

  2. Stuffed lion last time. Gold Persian lion pendant (historical reproduction) the time before. Smuggled me into Iran once. The joy of responding to an earthquake zone. No one really looks at papers, I don't look like a threat.

    This project is different. No one is talking to me. Starting to feel like I'm expected to smile and be a good boy.
